- Free and Natural -

Be part of the PhotoNaturals project and appear in beautiful imagery of humans one with nature

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Get Involved!

What Happens?

We organize group photography projects at a variety of secluded nature spots. You let us know you want to be part of this, then we suggest possible dates and outings for you to get involved.

On the Day

We share rides to get out close to the location. We first meet at a restaurant so we can get to know each other. Then we head out to our special spot and shed our clothes. It's an awesome experience!


Some of us on the trip have cameras and we shoot photos and videos of everything that happens that day. You are free to explore, swim, climb, jump, as you like but we also set up some creative group images.

What You Get

We pay you a small fee, typically $60, plus help with gas and food. We pay for the meeting meal. Later you get your own set of photos from the project day. Best of all, you get a fabulous day of nude freedom!

Where will we go?

We mainly do this in the region around the Bay Area in California. We are also active around Toronto, Canada. We are open to the possibility of other places and the idea of other people organizing photo projects.

Who can come?

Anyone can apply to join us - send us a message! We try to maintain equal males and females on each trip. We get far too many single men applying than can be accommodated, so finding a female buddy is a solution.

All bodies!

All bodies are good bodies! Naturism recognizes the diversity of body shapes that are all beautiful. Shake off any body shame society tries to impose on you. Join us and shine!

Who is in Charge?

His nickname is Nomad and he's been leading Naked Club events and PhotoNaturals projects for 10 years. He's usually part of each trip but other members are stepping up to lead as well.

Who sees the photos?

Mainly we show the images to promote a healthy and positive attitude toward nude recreation and creativity on our websites and on social media. But you should assume images could be seen anywhere by anyone. We also offer events without photography through Naked Club.


Society, culture and religion indoctrinate us to associate nudity with sex to the extent we must cover our bodies all the time supposedly to avoid losing control of our desires. Thoughtful, self-aware people know this is pure nonsense. Naked Club and PhotoNaturals gatherings are in no way sexual in nature. Do not join us if you have any such thoughts or intentions.


Experiencing social life free of clothing, without shame and without sexual connotation is an enlightened way of being that millions of people follow around the world despite mainstream societies not fully accepting this beautiful and innocent custom. If you have to put a name to it, it's usually called Naturism or Nudism, or maybe just free-body expression..

A PhotoNaturals Day Trip!

naked day trip arrive road
photo shoot naturists view
sunscreen undressed nudists ready
naked hike trail naturists
nudists climbing naked rocks
jumping naked into river water
fun splashing nudists play riverside
spray game naked outdoors
swimming in river nudists bare
waterfall naturism exploration
nude climbers on big rock
nudist climbing to the top
naturists sunbathe and rest
naked day end naturists
getting dressed nude girl end of day

You know that life is nice when you are naked!

group photo nudists in nature

Naked Club

Something for everyone

PhotoNaturals is a project within Naked Club. Events organized or recommended by Naked Club do not include photography unless specifically stated. Sometimes photography is only done at a designated time with those committed to it. To join in with the larger choice of events start by going to www.naked-club.org and creating a log-in and profile. Check the events pages there.

Naked Club has been building a rather complex website over the last few years that seeks to connect all naturists, nudists, and body-freedom people in the world, list all places and events everywhere and facilitate others to create their own groups and events. The focus is on real world interaction in real places.

Naked Club offers subscription memberships for viewing the many photo and video galleries we have created. We also offer many video-on-demand movies through Vimeo. These small sources of revenue are all we have to offset the ongoing costs of administration, supplies, equipment, travel, web development and media production. Your support is much needed and appreciated!

Naked Club Galleries

Naked Club Movies on Vimeo

Participate in Photo Shoots or other Naturist Social Gatherings!

An application form will be added soon. In the meantime use the email address below.
